
Object Type Definitions  
Type Description
Complex Type Definitions  
Type Description
MappingType Defines how a value of a property (or attribute) should be constructed. 
ExtensionType Place for non-standard object properties. 
SimpleTaskNotifierType TODO  
CredentialsResetPolicyType Credentials reset management policy. 
SecurityQuestionsResetPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
MailResetPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
SmsResetPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
CredentialsPolicyType Credentials management policy. 
PasswordCredentialsPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
CredentialsResetMethodType Specifies the method of resetting the credential. 
SecurityQuestionsCredentialsPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for security questions. 
SecurityQuestionDefinitionType Definition of a single security question. 
NonceCredentialsPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for nonce management. 
SchemaGenerationConstraintsType TODO  
ConnectorConfigurationType Resource configuration (hostname, port, . 
ExpressionVariableDefinitionType Definition of a variable. 
AssignmentSelectorType Selects some assignments from all the assignments in the object. 
CapabilitiesType Collection of resource capabilities. 
CapabilityCollectionType Collection of resource capabilities. 
ObjectTemplateType TODO: update The user template used to create new users. 
TriggerType Defines triggers for an object. 
MetadataType Meta-data about data creation, modification, etc. 
ResourceObjectReferenceType Reference to a resource object. 
AbstractRoleType Abstract class that conins the "essence" of a role. 
AssignmentType Generic assignments of one object to another object. 
MappingsType Generic set of mappings. 
PolicyRuleType These rules specify compliance and governance constraints. 
PolicyConstraintsType Set of governance, risk management, compliance (GRC) and similar policy constraints that influence the identity model. 
ExclusionPolicyConstraintType Container that defines exclusion of entities (e. 
MultiplicityPolicyConstraintType Constraint on various multiplicity properties, such as minimum and maximum assignmees  
ModificationPolicyConstraintType Constraint that triggers the rule on object modification, addition or deletion. 
AssignmentPolicyConstraintType Constraint that triggers the rule when the object is assigned. 
PolicyActionsType Actions that are executed as reactions to triggered policy rules. 
EnforcementPolicyActionType Enforcement action. 
ApprovalPolicyActionType Approval action. 
ApprovalCompositionStrategyType Prescribes how individual approval requirements should be composed into overall approval schema. 
ApprovalSchemaType Rules for approving something (e. 
ApprovalLevelType One "level" (or step) in the approval process. 
RemediationPolicyActionType TODO  
CertificationPolicyActionType TODO  
NotificationPolicyActionType TODO  
ActivationType Type that defines activation properties. 
OrderConstraintsType TODO  
PolicyExceptionType Recorded exception from a policy rule. 
AuthorizationType Authorization define fine-grained access to midPoint objects and system functionality. 
OwnedObjectSelectorType Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint. 
OrgRelationObjectSpecificationType Definition of object with respect to subject membership in organizational hierarchy. 
SubjectedObjectSelectorType Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint. 
CachingPolicyType TODO  
SynchronizationSituationDescriptionType Complex description of a synchronization situation. 
UriStackEntry An entry of the URI stack. 
FormFieldGroupType A group of fields. 
OperationProvisioningScriptType Specifies how and when a script is executed during provisioning. 
FormType Form definition. 
ClassLoggerConfigurationType Configuration of the logger: the facility that collects log messages from the code. 
ItemMergeConfigurationType TODO  
AccessCertificationDecisionType Decision that has been done regarding a given certification case. 
AccountPasswordNotifierType TODO  
GeneralChangeProcessorConfigurationType Configuration for GeneralChangeProcessor. 
CleanupPoliciesType Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for various midPoint subsystems. 
UserType User object represents a physical user of the system. 
CredentialsType This is a container type for various credentials types: passwords, public keys, one-time password scheme identifiers, etc. 
PasswordHistoryEntryType Contains a single entry of the password history. 
SecurityQuestionAnswerType Answer to the security question. 
AccessCertificationStageDefinitionType Definition of an access certification campaign stage. 
AccessCertificationReviewerSpecificationType Specifies how to select reviewers for a campaign stage and how to derive final decision from their decisions. 
SmsConfigurationType Where and how to send SMS notifications (or any other SMS). 
ResourceObjectTypeDefinitionType Defines a type from the resource schema (object class) that can be used for creating accounts, entitlements and possible other concepts. 
ModelCompareOptionsType EXPERIMENTAL. 
LookupTableType An object that represents lookup table. 
LookupTableRowType Data structure that represents entire content of the lookup table, organized into table rows. 
GeneralChangeProcessorScenarioType A scenario for GeneralChangeProcessor. 
ObjectFormsType Specifies the set of forms that are used for displaying and editing of objects, such as User, Role, Org, . 
ObjectFormType Specifies form that are used for displaying and editing of specific object type  
FormSpecificationType Specifies a form using several different methods, e. 
GenericPcpAspectConfigurationType A generic configuration for a wf aspect. 
ItemApprovalProcessStateType TODO  
ConnectorType Description of a generic connector. 
XmlSchemaType This element contains the XSD-formatted definition of schema. 
EnvironmentalPerformanceInformationType Statistics related to performance and state of external environment, namely provisioning via connectors, mappings (as these might contain code that invokes external systems), and notifications. 
ProvisioningStatisticsEntryType TODO  
ResourceType Resource represents a system or component external to the IDM system which we manage. 
OperationalStateType Structure containing metada about operational state of the resource. 
SchemaHandlingType Specification of handling details for resource schema. 
ResourceConsistencyType Configuration of consistency mechanisms. 
ErrorSelectorType Selects error categories, e. 
ResourceBusinessConfigurationType Configuration of resource "business" aspects such as workflow parameters, notifications, approvers, owners, etc. 
UserRegistrationNotifierType TODO  
AccessCertificationObjectBasedScopeType The most common way of specifying scope - providing type+search filter to select "base" objects and then some means of deriving certification cases from them. 
StringLimitType Definition of valid single string limitation  
AbstractPolicyConstraintType Basic data structure for all policy constraints. 
SmsAuthenticationPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
SynchronizationInformationType Information about synchronization situations of objects processed by synchronization-related tasks: live sync, import, reconciliation. 
WfGeneralChangeProcessorStateType TODO  
WfProcessorSpecificStateType Describes states that are specific to a given change processor. 
LensProjectionContextType TODO  
PrimaryChangeProcessorConfigurationType Configuration for PrimaryChangeProcessor. 
PcpAspectConfigurationType Configuration for a primary change processor aspect. 
OperationStatsType Operation execution statistics/state. 
DummyNotifierType TODO  
RichHyperlinkType Hyperlink with a label, menu and other data that control a rich presentation of the link. 
FocusType Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of midPoint computation. 
MergeConfigurationType Configuration that specifies automatic merging of two objects. 
ItemRefMergeConfigurationType TODO  
ProjectionMergeConfigurationType TODO  
PopulateItemType TODO  
SimpleResourceObjectNotifierType TODO  
MappingEvaluationRequestType TODO . 
ObjectDeltaWaveType TODO  
AccessCertificationCampaignType Definition of an access certification campaign. 
AccessCertificationScopeType Specifies the scope of an access certification campaign. 
AccessCertificationRemediationDefinitionType TODO  
AccessCertificationStageType Information about a stage of a campaign. 
AccessCertificationCaseType An item that has to be certified, viewed in the scope of a given certification campaign. 
SearchObjectExpressionEvaluatorType Create an expression based on search results. 
UriStack A stack of URIs (used e. 
ManagerSearchType TODO  
RoleManagementConfigurationType A configuration for role management: role catalog, role assignments, etc. 
MappingsStatisticsEntryType TODO  
SequentialValueExpressionEvaluatorType Get a sequential value from a named sequence. 
IconType User interface icon specification. 
ResourceActivationDefinitionType Defines how the mapping of the activation section is handled for the resource. 
SynchronizationActionType Defines an action to take when a synchronization situation is encountered. 
ItemApprovalRequestType TODO  
ObjectPolicyConfigurationType Definition of policy for a specific object type. 
PropertyConstraintType Definition of a property constraints. 
NodeType Node describes a single installation of midPoint. 
BuildInformationType TODO  
LoggingConfigurationType Configuration of logging levels, categories, log files, etc. 
SystemConfigurationType System configuration object. 
WfConfigurationType Configuration for workflows - for those parts not stored in the system config file. 
AccessCertificationConfigurationType Configuration for access certification. 
GlobalPolicyRuleType Policy rule for use in global configuration. 
ObjectSelectorType Selects some objects from all the objects in midPoint. 
SelfRegistrationPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
ProfilingConfigurationType A configuration for profiling features of midPoint. 
ShadowDiscriminatorType Shadow discriminator uniquely identifies a projection among other projections linked to the same focus. 
SimpleReviewerNotifierType TODO  
EmptyType Type that contains nothing. 
ConditionalSearchFilterType A filter with an expression that denotes a necessary condition for the filter to be applied. 
MailServerConfigurationType Configuration of a particular mail server host. 
LimitationsType Definition of complexity and string policy  
LensFocusContextType TODO  
AdminGuiConfigurationType Administration GUI configuration. 
AccessCertificationCasesStatisticsType Statistics give a set of access certification cases. 
ShadowAssociationType TODO  
ShadowIdentifiersType TODO  
UserPasswordNotifierType TODO  
WorkItemType WorkItemType contains information about a human task (or a notification). 
CharacterClassType Definition of valid characters in class. 
FormDefinitionType This part defines the actual form presentation and layout. 
EventHandlerType An event handler. 
AbstractAuthenticationPolicyType Authentication management policy. 
ResourceObjectPatternType Resource object pattern. 
SecurityPolicyType System that contains definitions of overall security policy. 
AuthenticationsPolicyType Definition of the use of authentication mechanisms. 
MailAuthenticationPolicyType Structure that specifies policy for password management. 
RegistrationsPolicyType Credentials management policy. 
SynchronizationType Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a resource. 
ObjectDeltaOperationType TODO  
AppenderConfigurationType Configuration of the logger: the facility that collects log messages from the code. 
WfPrimaryChangeProcessorStateType TODO  
HookListType TODO  
IterativeTaskInformationType High-level information about execution of actions that are carried out iteratively on a set of objects. 
MappingSourceDeclarationType TODO  
LensElementContextType TODO  
AccessCertificationDefinitionForReportType Access certification definition augmented with report-related information (e. 
FormFieldType A single form field. 
RoleType A role in the extended Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) sense. 
ResourceAttributeDefinitionType Description of the attribute handling details, such as display name, read/write access and value and synchronization expressions. 
ProvisioningScriptArgumentType Script argument. 
UnknownJavaObjectType Type used to represent Java objects that are otherwise unknown to the system and cannot be represented in "canonical" XML form. 
OperationProvisioningScriptsType Collection of scripts to be executed for various provisioning operations. 
ServiceType This object type represents any kind of abstract or concrete services or devices such as servers, virtual machines, printers, mobile devices, network nodes, application servers, applications or anything similar. 
TaskType TaskType contains information about a task (either transient or persistent). 
LensContextType A serialization of model context, i. 
WfContextType Workflow context of the operation that is to be executed. 
WfProcessSpecificStateType Describe states that are specific to a given BPMN process. 
CachingMetadataType Metadata that record when a cache copy was retrieved, the identifiers (etags) of that copy and possibly also other data. 
ProjectionObjectDeltaType TODO  
ReportFieldConfigurationType Configuration of report fields. 
NotificationConfigurationType A configuration for user notifications. 
AccessCertificationDefinitionType Definition of an access certification - a template for a set of access certification campaigns. 
SimpleFocalObjectNotifierType TODO  
AdvancedLoggingConfigurationType Contains free form loging configuration. 
AssociationAdditionType Container for association-to-be-added in the context: resource shadow discriminator. 
ProvisioningScriptType Specifies a script to be executed during provisioning. 
ObjectActionsExecutedEntryType Actions executed on a given object type, with given operation (change type) and via given channel. 
ScriptExpressionEvaluatorType Generic script expression. 
StringFilterType TODO  
AsIsExpressionEvaluatorType Copy value as is, without any modification. 
ValidationIssueType TODO  
SimpleCampaignNotifierType TODO  
ObjectTemplateItemDefinitionType TODO Description of the common item handling details, such as display name, read/write access and value and synchronization expressions. 
AbstractCredentialPolicyType Structure that specifies common elements to all the credential policies. 
SequenceType Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values. 
DecisionType Basic information on a user decision in context of a work item. 
ObjectType Common supertype for all identity objects. 
AuditingConfigurationType Auditing configuration UNSTABLE. 
AbstractRegistrationPolicyType Credentials management policy. 
OperationResultType TODO  
WfChangeProcessorConfigurationType Configuration for workflow change processor. 
PropertyLimitationsType TODO  
ReportType TODO  
ReportConfigurationType Report configuration based on report configuration schema. 
ObjectSynchronizationType Defines a synchronization properties (configuration) for a specific type of object, e. 
ProvisioningStatisticsType TODO  
ShadowType Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning. 
ShadowAttributesType Attribute values from the resource. 
InternalsConfigurationType Various internals configuration elements. 
PopulateObjectType TODO  
MappingsStatisticsType TODO  
MappingTargetDeclarationType TODO  
ValueSetSpecificationType Specifies set of prism item values. 
OrgType Organizational unit, division, section, object gropup, team, project or any other form of organizing things and/or people. 
ScheduleType Task schedule. 
HookType TODO  
ItemRefinedDefinitionType Description of the common item handling details, such as display name, read/write access and value and synchronization expressions. 
PolicyActionType Common supertype for policy actions. 
ModelExecuteOptionsType TODO  
FormItemClientValidationType javascript stuff, we replate ${this} with proper input id, probably some jQuery black magic TODO: add event type attribute to client element for this validator  
ReportOutputType Reports outputs. 
AccessCertificationAssignmentReviewScopeType Scope for assignment-related reviews. 
NotificationsStatisticsType TODO  
MappingTimeDeclarationType TODO  
GenerateExpressionEvaluatorType Generate value according to a policy that is associated with the property/attribute. 
ProjectionPolicyType TODO  
AbstractFormItemType Abstract supertype for all form items. 
SynchronizationReactionType Reaction to a synchronization situation. 
ObjectTreeDeltasType Container for ChangesRequested (focus primary delta and/or projection primary deltas). 
MailConfigurationType Where and how to send mail notifications (or any other mail messages). 
TaskExecutionConstraintsType Constraints on task execution, e. 
LensObjectDeltaOperationType TODO  
GenericObjectType Generic object for storing unknown (unexpected) object types. 
ObjectReferenceType Reference to an object. 
ValueFilterType Defines value filter. 
ResourceItemDefinitionType Description of the common item handling details, such as display name, read/write access and value and synchronization expressions. 
TransformExpressionEvaluatorType TODO  
AbstractCredentialsResetPolicyType Authentication management policy. 
ExpressionType TODO  
ConnectorHostType Host definition for remote connector, remote connector framework or a remote "gateway". 
CleanupPolicyType Configuration of cleanup intervals and policies for a specific subsystem or feature. 
AssociationFromLinkExpressionEvaluatorType Definition of an expression that creates association from links (linkRefs)  
ShadowDiscriminatorExpressionEvaluatorType Expression based on selecting a specific projection. 
ActionsExecutedInformationType Shows what actions were executed. 
ResourceObjectAssociationType Describes how entitlement is associated to the subject (e. 
SimpleCampaignStageNotifierType TODO  
IterationSpecificationType Definition of iteration properties for a resource account or other resource objects. 
SimpleUserNotifierType TODO  
ResourceObjectShadowChangeDescriptionType Description of the change in the external resource. 
SimpleWorkflowNotifierType TODO  
MappingEvaluationResponseType TODO . 
ModelHooksType TODO  
NotificationsStatisticsEntryType TODO  
ValidationResultType TODO  
SmsGatewayConfigurationType Configuration of a particular SMS gateway. 
SearchObjectRefExpressionEvaluatorType Create an expression based on search results. 
SubSystemLoggerConfigurationType Configuration of the logger: the facility that collects log messages from subsystem code.