UriStackEntry (Complex Type)

Namespace: http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/common-3

An entry of the URI stack. It contains the handler URI as well as the schedule under which the handler should be run. This allows e.g. to run a "main" handler once, and then run a subhandler under a different schedule (e.g. cyclically).
Item Summary  
Name Type Multiplicity Description
handlerUri property
[1,1] URI of the task handler. 
recurrence property
[0,1] Recurrence type of this task (may be null - in that case it is guessed from the schedule). 
schedule property
[0,1] Schedule under which this handler should be executed (may be null). 
binding property
[0,1] Binding with which this handler should be executed (default = derived from schedule)  
extensionDelta property
[0,-1] List of deltas that should be put into extension when starting this handler.