Class AssignmentRelationType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Containerable, Freezable, com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.binding.ContainerablePrismBinding, DebugDumpable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class AssignmentRelationType extends com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.impl.binding.AbstractMutableContainerable
Specifies what types of assignments can be made to the focal object when it is a target of an assignment. This specifies possible relations of the assignment, type of assignment holder and so on. Simply speaking, this specifies "who can have assignment to me" or "who can hold assignment with me as a target". Limitations: assignmentRelation can appear only in archetype. It can appear in assignment or inducements, but it must not have any order specification (i.e. it must be order 0 or 1). Assignment relation specification can be "wildcard", i.e. they can apply to a range of conditions. E.g. if no relation is specified, the specification applies to all the relations. An extreme case is an empty assignment relation, which is the ultimate wildcard. Such specification means that any type, any archetype can be assigned with any relation. Which in fact means "open" assignment policy. However, processing of wildcard assignment relations is limited in midPoint 4.0 (see documentation). Assignment relation applies only to assignments by default. Therefore it controls when an assignment can be made. It does not apply to inducements - yet. In later midPoint versions there will be an element that can specify "order constraints". In that case assignment relation could specify properties of inducements, including high-order inducements. However, the implementation in midPoint 4.0 is limited to assignments.
See Also: